The lifetime of React.js revolves around the duration for which a variable is accessible and bound to a specific memory location. This can vary depending on where and how the variable is declared:
Global variables – throughout the lifetime of the application
Local variables – During the execution of the function or block in which they are declared
Block-scoped variables – During the block execution in which they are declared (typically inside {})
State variables in React components – As long as the component instance exists
Ref variables in React components – As long as the component instance exists
The lifetime of variables and components of React.js is managed through React’s lifecycle methods, reflecting a blend of these variable lifetime concepts. The component lifecycle of React.js which goes through from creation to removal from DOM is categorized into three phases:
Mounting: Putting elements into the DOM
constructor() – Initialize state and bind event handlers
static getDerivedStateFromProps() – Updates state from props (rarely used).
render() – Describes what the UI should look like.
componentDidMount() – Runs after the component is mounted, ideal for data fetching or DOM updates.
Updating: A component is updated whenever there is a change in the component’s state or props
static getDerivedStateFromProps() – Updates state before rendering.
shouldComponentUpdate() – Determines whether the component should re-render.
render() – Updates the UI based on new state or props.
getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() – Captures DOM state before updates.
componentDidUpdate() – Executes after the component re-renders, useful for side effects.
Unmounting: Component is removed form the DOM
componentWillUnmount() – Used to clean up subscriptions, timers, or other side effects (React Lifecycle, n.d.).
Dynamic Lifetime:
React.js’ lifetimes are vary based on user interactions, data changes, and other factors during the application’s runtime.
Components and their associated variables, state, and props are created and destroyed dynamically based on user interactions and routing.
When a component is mounted, its lifetime starts; when it is unmounted, its lifetime ends.
Example in our sample application:
The variables like currentMonth, selectedDate, and showEventPopup have a lifetime tied to the component's rendering cycle. For example, when the component re-renders (e.g., setCurrentMonth is called), these variables will be reset or updated.
Sample code in our sample application:
In React.js, variable lifetimes align with different storage binding categories:
Stack-Dynamic Binding (common in React) - Variables created when functions or components are called and destroyed when they return.
Explicit Heap-Dynamic Binding - Objects managed manually via references.
Implicit Heap-Dynamic Binding (very common) - Variables allocated when assigned values.
In our sample application code, the variables (like currentMonth, eventText, etc.) are not explicitly typed. This is because JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, meaning that variable types are determined at runtime. For instance, the currentMonth variable is initialized as a number based on the current date, specifically by calling currentDate.getMonth().